Saturday, April 14, 2007

All things Random

Yes, a bloke, a good friend of mine, by the name of Delicate Dan (well, that's not really his name) said that my blog was very random. I said, "Yes."

So I'm wondering how funny it really is. I'm either trying too hard or not hard enough.

He's not always been called Delicate Dan, you see. When he was a younger man than he is now, he was playing a sport of football without equipment. He went down with a rather large fellow following above him and he squished his collar bone to the point of the snapping noise.

After the Doctor put humpty dumpty, or in this case Delicate Dan, back together again, he was snowboarding and the snap wasn't quite as loud. The Doctor was now becoming suspicious this lad was more than just a lad, but a rough and tumble sort. Then, after a stern warning from his friends and doctor, Delicate Dan was snowboarding behind a snow machine, a snow sled, and again, he just missed the jump a little off.

Back to the Doctors he went. By now Delicate Dan's Mother traveled from stern to very angry. Anyway, Delicate Dan really isn't that delicate, but the name was given to him by me.

He says my Blog is random.




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